SL Downtown Physiotherapy & Massage

Unit 1-1 Main Street NE, Slave Lake, Alberta T0G 2A2

Cervicogenic Headache

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A 34-year-old women who works on the Help Desk in a college located in Slave Lake, has been experiencing headaches and cervical pain for the past 3 weeks. The headaches have been increasing in frequency, occurring daily and lasting up to 3 hours. She describes a deep, non-throbbing ache that radiates from the back of her head to the right frontal region, along with stiffness and pain in the right side of her neck. The neck pain and headaches appear to be related. She was involved in a car accident 10 years ago, which caused cervical pain for about 3 weeks. Since then, she has only experienced occasional stiffness in her neck. Prolonged computer work triggers her headaches, and reversing the car causes slight cervical stiffness. Pain relief medication helps dull the headaches, and she has undisturbed sleep at night. Her symptoms seem to be influenced by the amount of time she spends at the computer. Despite her discomfort, she has no dizziness, nausea, or vomiting. she has not undergone any X-rays or other tests yet and is eager to avoid missing work. She plans to participate in her usual recreational activities of Curling and Golfing this weekend.

We’ve identified that she has Cervicogenic Headache

We provided treatments such as cervical spine manipulation and mobilization, strengthening exercises for deep neck flexors and upper quarter muscles, thoracic spine thrust manipulation and exercises, C1-C2 self-sustained natural apophyseal glide (SNAG), and posture re-education.

Our offered treatments are truly effective. She is absolutely thrilled that she has finally recovered from her headache. Her only regret is not seeking help sooner, but she believes it’s better late than never. She now enjoys being able to curl and golf just like she used to.